Factors Affecting Consumers’ Usage Intention of Contactless Payment Systems

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Siriporn Mongkolrattanasit
Sasivimol Meeampol


The purposes of this research were to study consumer behavior, factors that affect contactless payments, Demographic Factors Affecting Intention for Use, and to find relationships between various factors Data were collected by using online questionnaires from 463 residents of Bangkok and the Metropolitan Region between December 2020 and February 2021. Data were analyzed by using percentage, frequency, average values, standard deviations, independent sample analysis standard t-test, f-test (One-Way ANOVA), Least Significant Difference (LSD), and Multiple Linear Regression.

The number of male and female respondents was similar. Age 41-50 years, single, bachelor's degree. Being a company employee earning 15,001-30,000 baht/month. The survey found that they used to use a contactless payment service through a credit card 1-3 times a week, payment of 501-1,000 baht per time at the supermarket because it is convenient and fast. Interested in giving rebates and discounts. It was introduced by a bank employee, shop, cashier, and a contactless payment system.

The research results showed that the sample group strongly agreed that the performance expectancy and effort expectancy affect contactless payment. Price value, facility condition, social influences, trust, habit, hedonic motivation, and perceived risk were in descending order. From the hypothesis testing, it was found that different age, education level, occupation, and monthly income is significantly related to the usage intention of contactless payment systems at the significance level of .05. The study also shows the findings of a correlation between the factors found that satisfaction, value, price, and habit were positively correlated with the continued willingness to use contactless payment services.

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How to Cite
Mongkolrattanasit, S., & Meeampol, S. (2022). Factors Affecting Consumers’ Usage Intention of Contactless Payment Systems. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(2), 16–32. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/262966


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