A Study of Women's Leadership in Local Development in the Area of Tha Kham Sub-District, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province

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Methinee Inbua
Chot Bodeerat


This research have the objectives 1) to study the level of leadership of women playing a role in local development. 2) To compare the individual factors of the people on the leadership of women in local development and 3) to suggest the development of female leadership roles in local development in Tha Kham Sub-district area Chan Daen, Phetchabun Province The sample group to be used to represent the population was 377 people in Tha Kham Subdistrict, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province using Taro Yamane's formula at 95% confidence level. The researcher chose to use statistics for data analysis as follows. Descriptive By distributing it in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics The statistics used in the test analysis are the t-test, and F-test.

The study results were as follows: 1) The respondents expressed their opinions. Women's leadership roles in local development in Tha Kham Sub-District, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province The overall mean was at a high level. 2) Personal factors in gender, age, and education level. The income per month and different occupations. This affected the leadership of women who play a role in local development in Tha Kham Sub-District, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province. There were statistically significant levels of 0.05 and 3) to suggest the development of female leadership roles in local development. The qualifications of the participants in the development process should be initially divided into two parts: (1) a group of women with the potential to be local administrators and (2) women who are in the position of local administrators. This development is a model that enhances the leadership traits of women despite their potential, emphasizing assessments of needs. It needed to be developed for women executives.

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How to Cite
Inbua, M., & Bodeerat, C. (2022). A Study of Women’s Leadership in Local Development in the Area of Tha Kham Sub-District, Chon Daen District, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(1), 314–326. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/260280


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