The Academic Administration of School Administrators as Perceived by Teachers of Chalermprakiet Schoo

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Pasit Atitthamatach
Laddawan Phetroj


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the academic management of school administrators according to the teacher's perspective of Chalermprakiet School Group of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit The Queen Mother, 2) to compare the academic management of school administrators according to the teacher's perspective by Personal Information and operational experience, and 3)to compile the academic management recommendations of school administrators according to the teacher's Perspective. The sample was 311 teachers using a stratified random sampling technique. The instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD, and content analysis.
The results of this research found as follows: 1) Academic administration of school administrators according to the teacher's perspective in overall and each aspect is very high. The highest mean was the aspect of promoting and supporting academic, personnel, family, organization, establishment, and other organized education, 2) Comparison of academic administration of school administrators based on teacher's perspective classified by school size found that the academic administration of school administrators, development or action on commentary on local curriculum development, internal quality assurance system, educational standards, selection of textbooks for use in schools were statistically significant at .05 level, and 3) the suggestion was focused seriously on the development of the process in developing local curriculum material in Academic administration of school administrators.

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How to Cite
Atitthamatach , P., & Phetroj, L. . (2022). The Academic Administration of School Administrators as Perceived by Teachers of Chalermprakiet Schoo. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(1), 204–220. retrieved from


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