The Impact of the Technological Changes toward the Accountants’ Development in the Digital Age

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Jiraporn Natenooch


The article aims to demonstrate the impact of the technological changes toward the accountants’ development in the digital age. Such impact is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), so there is the following question asking if one who studies Accounting will still not be unemployed. Inevitably, as the consequence, the accountants in the digital age have to do something called “Reskilling” the technologies proposing the direct effect to the accounting profession that is so called “Cloud Accounting”. It is the utilization of accounting software to improve and optimize the business process. The program helps do such tasks as account coding, book-keeping, and bank reconciliating. There is an effort to create the Accounting Artificial Intelligence software to operate as well as the accountants or book-keepers in scanning documents: cheques, receipts, payment vouchers, etc., and uploading to Cloud. Income and expense recording, including book-keeping, may be replaced with the automatic system by the use of account software. In this case, AI will take the place of doing the document work. However, the supporting information for the administrative decision is still required the high-skilled accountants to analyze the organization’s data by applying the data analyzing instrument and other technologies to boost up the working process. It is also a guideline to optimize the organizational capability in order to enable the organization to catch up with the social changes and economy in the digital age. All of these are the required qualification and roles of accountants in the digital age.

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How to Cite
Natenooch, J. (2022). The Impact of the Technological Changes toward the Accountants’ Development in the Digital Age. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 8(1), 1–18. retrieved from
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