Parent’s Roles in Promoting Saving the Environmental Behaviors of Kindergarteners in Thotawan Kindergarten School

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Rodjana Sangtong
Panutsorn Jaruchainiwat


The purpose of this research was to study parents’ role in promoting saving the environment behaviors of kindergarteners in Thotawan kindergarten school in 2 aspects: teaching environmentally-friendly and being a role model in saving the environmental. The populations used were 93 parents of level 3 preschoolers who study at Thotawan Kindergarten school in the second semester of the 2019 academic year. The research instruments were a questionnaire form. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation.

The research findings found that parents’ roles in promoting saving the environment behaviors of kindergarteners in all 2 aspects performed at a high level. Regarding each aspect, it was found that teaching environmentally-friendly was at the highest level, followed by being a role model in saving the environment. When considering these aspects, the research results showed that: 1) Teaching is environmentally-friendly: the highest means was to explain and show children how to save electricity at home, and the lowest means was to volunteer activities to save the environment with children. 2) Being a role model in saving the environment: the highest means was to reduce the use of plastic bags when shopping at stores, and the lowest was to recycle waste paper.

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How to Cite
Sangtong, R., & Jaruchainiwat, P. (2021). Parent’s Roles in Promoting Saving the Environmental Behaviors of Kindergarteners in Thotawan Kindergarten School. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 276–289. retrieved from


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