The Intention to Use Accommodation Service during The New Normal Situation of Thai Tourists

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Chattayaporn Samerjai


The purpose of this research was to study the affecting factors on intention to use the accommodation service under the New normal situation of Thai tourists. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 523 samples with purposive sampling on Thai tourists according to the specified region, then convenience sampling. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and structural equations.

The results found that the word of mouth, the products, and personal hygiene of staff affect the respondents’ intention to use the accommodation service under new normal situations, respectively. The self-preparation of the respondents negatively affects the intention to use the accommodation service under the New normal situation. The hygiene of workplaces, the people, and the process factors were indirectly affecting the intention of using accommodation services under the New normal situation through the personal hygiene of staff respectively. The marketing promotion indirectly affects the intention to use the accommodation service under the New normal situation through the product. The physical evidence, price, and distribution channel indirectly affect the intention to use the accommodation service under the New normal situation through word-of-mouth factor.

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How to Cite
Samerjai, C. (2021). The Intention to Use Accommodation Service during The New Normal Situation of Thai Tourists. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 21–41. retrieved from


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