The Effect of Circular Economy Concept towards the Consumer Usage Behaviors on Sustainable Food and Beverage Packaging in Phuket Province

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Darunee Mukem


This aims of research were to study the important level of the consumer on the circular economy concept, to study the opinion level of the consumer towards the usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging, to study the relationship between the circular economy concept and the consumer usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging, and to learn the circular economy concept affected to the usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging with survey research. The research instrument was a questionnaire from 410 samples who lived in Phuket and bought or used to buy sustainable food and beverage packaging. The descriptive statistical tool was means, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis showed that both overall the circular economy concept and the consumer usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging were at the agreed level (mean=4.34, 4.46). The relationship between the circular economy concept and the consumer usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging found that the overall relationship had a height level (r=.669) of relevance and was in the same direction at Sig.01. Additionally, the circular economy concept has affected consumer usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging. Multiple regression analysis in the standardized form was adjusted R2= 47.2%. This equation indicated that one phrase of the circular economy concept was able to forecast the variation on the consumer usage behaviors on sustainable food and beverage packaging at 47.2 percent, the remaining of 52.8 percent due to other variables.

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How to Cite
Mukem, D. (2021). The Effect of Circular Economy Concept towards the Consumer Usage Behaviors on Sustainable Food and Beverage Packaging in Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 113–128. retrieved from


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