The Desirable Characteristics of Educational Institute Administrators in the Digital Age, of Vocational Institute of Central Region 1, Office of the Vocational Education Commission

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Wilawan Vajarodaya
Kosoom Saichai


The research aimed to study and compare the level of desirable characteristics’ level of educational institute administrators in the digital age, of vocational institutes of central region1, office of vocational education commission, classified by gender, education level, working experience, class and position. The populations were 826 teachers and the samples consisted of 269 teachers who were teaching in the institute of vocational education central region 1. The sample size was determined according to the Taro Yamane table and stratified random sampling. The research Instrument used was the rating scale questionnaire in which the individual IOC rate was 0.67-1.00, the reliability was 0.98, and informal interview. The statistics used for the data analyzing were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), t-test, one-way ANOVA and LSD.

The results were as follows: 1) the desirable characteristics’ level of educational institute administrators in the digital age, of vocational institutes of central region 1, office of the vocational education commission was at a high level in both an overall and individual topic. In descending order, the average in each topic were morality and ethics, character, management skills, academic skills, and leadership skills respectively 2) The comparison results of teachers’ opinion towards the desirable characteristics of educational institute administrators in the digital age classified by gender was in the similar way. In contrary, the differences of educational level, experiences, and positions were at a statistical significance level of .05

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How to Cite
Vajarodaya, W., & Saichai, K. (2021). The Desirable Characteristics of Educational Institute Administrators in the Digital Age, of Vocational Institute of Central Region 1, Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(Special), 71–83. retrieved from


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