The Development of Driving a One Tambon One Product Four Years (2019-2022)

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Rapee Moungnont
Krai Boonbandarn
Yanawuth Piyaratanaphipat
Pornchai Kuntawong
Tossapon Akkarapongpaiboon


The purposes of this research were to: 1) determine the guidelines for the development of One Tambon One Product, fabric and apparel, utensils, decorations and souvenirs types, 2) support the mechanism for brainstorming opinions and suggestions from those involved in the preparation of the plan to drive the development of fabric and apparel products, appliances, utensils, decorations, and souvenirs with efficiency. Method of research use a qualitative research method. Data collection by organizing a meeting to brainstorm opinions from OTOP entrepreneurs consisting of 4 regions, 200 persons in each region, Focus group from the government sector, producer group and consumer group, OTOP entrepreneurs, consisting of 4 regions, 10 persons in each region, In-depth interviews with 7 key informants and brainstorming from researchers and experts.

The results of the research showed that Development guidelines for driving one Tambon One Product include 1) product development by using local wisdom to make a difference and design products to be diverse including the application of innovative technology. 2) Marketing development focus on online formats. 3) Management development emphasizing integration from the coordination of the Government Sector and the Private Sector. 4) Financial development emphasizing more access to a source of investment funds and 5) Location and product linking development emphasizing tourism activities continue to attract tourists.

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How to Cite
Moungnont, R., Boonbandarn, K., Piyaratanaphipat, Y., Kuntawong, P., & Akkarapongpaiboon, T. (2021). The Development of Driving a One Tambon One Product Four Years (2019-2022) . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 270–283. retrieved from


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