The Relationship between Academic Administrators' Roles and The Effectiveness of Educational Institutions under The Office of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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Supaporn Sreepadung
Nantiya Noijan


The purposes of the study were 1) to study the roles of academic institution administrators in academics 2) the effectiveness of the school, and 3) the relationship between the roles of academic institution administrators and the effectiveness of the schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The groups of sample used in this research are Administrators and teachers under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, 64 schools, Consisting of administrators and teachers A total of 1,739 people. Using a questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The statistical procedures employed included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s Product- moment correlation coefficient.

The findings of the research were as following: 1) The administrator’s role of academic in Under the Office of Nonthaburi Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole and as an individual was found at a high level (mean=4.38). 2) The effectiveness of schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole and as an individual, was found at a high level. (mean=4.36). 3) There was a relationship between the administrator’s role of academics and the effectiveness of schools under the Office of Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 (r=.634) at .01level of significance.

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How to Cite
Sreepadung, S., & Noijan, N. (2021). The Relationship between Academic Administrators’ Roles and The Effectiveness of Educational Institutions under The Office of Nonthaburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(3), 98–112. retrieved from


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