Conditions of the Sangha Administration according to the Attitudes of the Ecclesiastical Official Monks at the Subdistrict and District Levels in Nonthaburi Province

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Pol.L/Cpl.Natthaphong Sompanwang
Pichit Ratchatapibhunphob


This research aimed to 1. Study the conditions of the Sangha Administration according to the attitudes of the ecclesiastical official monks at the subdistrict and district levels in Nonthaburi Province and 2. Compare the attitudes on the conditions of the Sangha Administration of the ecclesiastical official monks at the subdistrict and district levels in Nonthaburi Province, classified by the personal factors.  The sample used in the research included 74 ecclesiastical official monks in Nonthaburi Province in 2017.  The tool used for the research was questionnaire.  The statistics used in the data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-Way ANOVA.

The research findings revealed that the conditions of the Sangha Administration according to the attitudes of the ecclesiastical official monks at the subdistrict and district levels with the case study of Nonthaburi Province, overall and in each of all dimensions, were at high level.  The consideration of each dimension revealed that the average of each of all dimensions was at high level.  The study was divided into 6 dimensions namely propagation of Buddhism, public assistance, educational support, education, construction and renovation of temples, and governing.  The results revealed that the ecclesiastical official monks with different personal factors in terms of position, age, ordination period, period of holding position, qualifications of ordinary education, and qualifications of Buddhist theology did not have different attitudes on the conditions of the Sangha Administration.

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How to Cite
Sompanwang, P., & Ratchatapibhunphob, P. (2021). Conditions of the Sangha Administration according to the Attitudes of the Ecclesiastical Official Monks at the Subdistrict and District Levels in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 263–276. retrieved from


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