The Expectations and Perceptions of Thai Tourists towards the Service Quality of Health Tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province

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Jurairat Chimpalee


This research aimed to study 1) The level of expectations and perceptions of Thai tourists towards the service quality of health tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province, and 2) To compare the expectations and perceptions towards the service quality of health tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province by personal status. The subjects used in the research were 400 thai tourists who were using the service of health tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA. The results showed that 1) The level of expectations and perceptions of Thai tourists traveling By both expectations and perceptions In overall, at a high level. When considered in each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest mean was reliability. Responsiveness in receiving, the confidence in the service, in understanding the needs of clients and the final order is the physical aspect, respectively. 2) The thai tourists with different age, marital status, educational level and occupation had expectations towards the service quality of health tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province with statistically significant difference at the .05 level. Moreover, the Thai tourists with different gender, marital status and occupation had difference in perception level towards the service quality at statistically significant difference at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Chimpalee, J. (2021). The Expectations and Perceptions of Thai Tourists towards the Service Quality of Health Tourism Rommanee Hot Spring in Phangnga Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 246–262. retrieved from


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