Characteristics of Professional Administrators Affecting the Efficiency of Private School Management under the Samut Prakan Provincial Education Office

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Pongsa Poonchu
Sajeewan Darbavasu


The objectives of this research were to; 1) study the characteristics of a professional administrators, 2) study the level of the efficiency of school administration, 3) study the relationship between the characteristics of a professional administrators and study the efficiency of school administration. And 4) to study the characteristics of a professional administrators affecting the efficiency of private school management under the Office of Samut Prakan Education. The sample group used in this study was school administrators 346 people. The tools used in the study were questionnaires. The statistical analysis including percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson 'Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis.

The study found that; 1) Level of characteristics of a professional administrators of private educational institutions under the Office of Samut Prakan Education. The overview is at a high level. (mean=3.80, SD=0.88), 2) The efficiency level of school administration of private school administrators under the Office of Samut Prakan Provincial Education. The overview is at a high level. (mean=3.76, SD=0.86), 3) The relationship between the characteristics of a professional administrators and the efficiency of private school management under the Office of Samut Prakan Education. There was a general relationship at a low level at the statistical significance level of .01., and 4) The characteristics of professional administrators affect the efficiency of private school management under the Office of Samut Prakan Education at the statistical significance level of .01.

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How to Cite
Poonchu, P., & Darbavasu, S. (2021). Characteristics of Professional Administrators Affecting the Efficiency of Private School Management under the Samut Prakan Provincial Education Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 156–169. retrieved from


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