Conditions and Guidelines for Athlete Development through Sports Science Principles for the Excellence of the Sports Office in the National Sports University (Northern Campus)

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Pachcharin Pawalee
Arphat Tiaotrakul
Tussana Jaruchart


The purposes of this research were to study the conditions and guidelines for athlete development through sports science principles for excellence of the sports office in the National Sports University (Northern Campus). The research was divided into 2 phases, the phase of conditions of sports development (phase 1) and the phase of guidelines of sports development (phase 2). First, target group was 132 persons and selected by purposive selected. The instrument used for data collecting was questionnaire which had IOC range from 0.60-0.90 and Alpha coefficient reliability value of 0.97. The quantitative method of statistical analysis was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Second, target group was 14 persons who involved in sports development selected by purposive selected. The descriptive data was collected by using semi-structured interview and then used content analysis.

The results showed that working conditions with PDCA quality cycle were at a high level in all issues of sports science such as body conditioning, sports medicine, sports psychology, sports nutrition, and sports technology. Additionally, the guidelines of sports development in accordance with principles of sports science can be effectively applied and attained the development in sports excellence relevant to issues of sports science.

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How to Cite
Pawalee, P., Tiaotrakul, A., & Jaruchart, T. (2021). Conditions and Guidelines for Athlete Development through Sports Science Principles for the Excellence of the Sports Office in the National Sports University (Northern Campus). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 79–95. retrieved from


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