Designing Achievement Activity by using CIPPA Model of Analytical Thinking for Thai Subject on the Topic of Klonglokkanit (Thai Literature) of Mathayomsuksa 1 Students

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Yanakawi Chinnawong
Supanan Sittilerd


The objectives of this thesis were: 1) to design learning activity based on CIPPA model on the topic of Klonglokkanit to be effective according to the criteria 80/80. 2) to develop the activity in critical thinking skills on the topic of Klonglokkanit by using CIPPA model. The sample group was 30 students from Mathayomsuksa 1 students, semester 2, academic year 2017. The research was obtained from the cluster random and the classroom as random units were composed of 1) learning activity by using CIPPA model for Klonglokkanit topic. 2) learning plan of Klonglokkanit topic. 3) analytical skill test for Klonglokkanit topic. The statistics were used for data analysis Find the effectiveness of learning activity from E1/E2 formula as 80/80 criterion and percentage

The results of the study were as follow: 1) the learning activity by CIPPA model the efficiency was 87.75/84.44 which was higher than 80/80 threshold. 2) the result of analytical activity in analytical skills  for Mathayomsuksa 1 students that was studied by learning activity based on the CIPPA model, overall passing the criteria for achieving the grades with an excellent score of 86.04%.

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How to Cite
Chinnawong, Y., & Sittilerd, S. (2021). Designing Achievement Activity by using CIPPA Model of Analytical Thinking for Thai Subject on the Topic of Klonglokkanit (Thai Literature) of Mathayomsuksa 1 Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 183–198. Retrieved from


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