The Organizational Characteristics and Teacher’s Performance Based on Professional Standard in the School under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kwanchanok Jatchala
Mattana Wangthanomsak


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the organizational characteristics of school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 2) study teacher’s performance based on professional standard in the school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, and 3) study the relationship between the organizational characteristics and teacher’s performance based on professional standard in the school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The samples were 28 schools in Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The respondents composed of a school director and a teacher with a total of 56 respondents. The instrument was a questionnaire on the organizational characteristics based on the theory of Likert, and teacher’s performance based on professional standard B.E.2562 of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand. The statistics for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings of this study were as follows: 1) The organizational characteristics of school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, collectively and individually, was found at a high level; ranking from the highest to the lowest mean as follow: goal setting or ordering, interaction-influence process, performance goals and training, control process, communication process, decision-making process, motivation forces, and leadership process. 2) Teacher’s performance based on professional standard in the school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, collectively and individually, was found at a high level; ranking from the highest to the lowest mean as follow:  Teacher’s job performance, Learning management, and Public relations. 3) The relationship between the organizational characteristics and teacher’s performance based on professional standard in the school under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 which was statistically significant at .01.

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How to Cite
Jatchala, K., & Wangthanomsak, M. (2021). The Organizational Characteristics and Teacher’s Performance Based on Professional Standard in the School under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 166–182. retrieved from


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