Organizational Commitment and Opinions towards Job Description of Thai and Myanmar Employees in Operational Level of TOSSCALE Company Limited

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Tisant Jindasupakpun
Luxanawadee Boonyasirinun


This research aims to study on organizational commitment and opinions towards job description of Thai and Myanmar Employees in operational level of TOSSCALE Company Limited and to compare organizational commitment of Thai and Myanmar employees in operational level of TOSSCALE Company Limited. Samples were classified by personal characteristics and questionnaires were used for collecting data from sample group consisted of Thai and Myanmar employees in operational level of TOSSCALE Company Limited. Sample group consisted of 139 samples obtained by using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and Standard Deviation. Hypothesis testing was conducted by using t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

The results revealed that, in overview, Thai employees had organizational commitment in a high level with the highest mean on continuity. For Myanmar employees, in overview, they had organizational commitment in a high level with the highest mean on feeling. For job description, in overview, it was found that Thai employees had opinions towards job description in a high level with the highest mean on variety. In overview, Myanmar employees had opinions towards job description in a high level with the highest mean on work challenging.

Thai employees with different age, marital status, monthly income, and operational duration had different organizational commitment. Myanmar employees with different monthly income and operational duration had different organizational commitment. Myanmar employees with different gender, age, and marital status had no difference on organizational commitment.

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How to Cite
Jindasupakpun, T., & Boonyasirinun, L. (2021). Organizational Commitment and Opinions towards Job Description of Thai and Myanmar Employees in Operational Level of TOSSCALE Company Limited. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 152–165. retrieved from


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