Active Learning Management of Lower Secondary Education Teachers in Thailand 4.0

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Kanokwan Chatkaew
Srisamorn Pymsa-ard


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the state of active learning management of lower secondary education teachers in the Thailand 4.0 era, 2) to explore opinions of lower secondary education students, 3) to compare teachers' practice for the active learning management against students' opinions, and 4) to explore teachers’ active learning management behavior and students’ learning behavior. The samples consisted of 10 teachers and 431 students. The tools were questionnaires and behavior observation forms for teachers and students. Data were collected by the researcher. The data was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U Test, and content analysis. The results showed that: 1) The overall teachers’ active learning management was at a high level. 2) The overall students’ opinions towards their teachers’ active learning management were at a high level. 3) The comparative study, it was found that teachers’ active learning management practice was higher than students’ opinions of learners in 3 sides which teachers’ active learning management practice and learner's opinions about learning activities differences were statistically significant at 0.01 and opinions about using media, innovation, measurement and evaluation of learning differences were statistically significant at .05. The results of the observation, the overall teachers’ practice was at a medium level, and the overall students’ behavior was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Chatkaew, K., & Pymsa-ard, S. (2021). Active Learning Management of Lower Secondary Education Teachers in Thailand 4.0. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 136–151. retrieved from


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