The Needs Study of The Nonthaburi Vocational School Administration Based on the Concept of Co-Creating Innovators

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Lt.Col. Noraseth Muniraksa
Nantarat Charoenkul


The objective of this research was to study the needs study of the Nonthaburi Vocational school administration based on the concept of co-creating innovators. The population in this study was Nonthaburi Vocational School. The information used in the study is provided by the school’s administrator and 168 teachers. The tool used in the study is a questionnaire with 5 levels of answers for each question. The statistics used to analyse the data are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Need Index (PNIModified). The findings indicate that the need of the Nonthaburi Vocational school based on the concept of co-creating innovators can be arranged from highest to lowest in the following order: Category 3, Monitoring and Evaluation, (PNIModified=0.211), with its 6th Component, Entrepreneurial Capability, as its highest ranked component (PNIModified=0.223) and its 2nd Component, Positive Communication, as its lowest ranked component (PNIModified=0.198), Category 4, Student Activities, (PNIModified=0.208), with its 6th Component, Entrepreneurial Capability, as its highest ranked component (PNIModified=0.253) and its 1st Component, Problem Solving Capabilities, as its lowest ranked component (PNIModified=0.185), Category 2, Learning Activities, (PNIModified=0.201), with its 4th Component, Reflective Thinking Skills, as its highest ranked component (PNIModified=0.220) and its 3rd Component, Cross-Cultural Skills, as its lowest ranked component (PNIModified=0.172) and Category 1, Curriculum Improvement, (PNIModified=0.171), with its 4th Component, Reflective Thinking Skills, as its highest ranked component (PNIModified=0.190) and its 2nd Component, Positive Communication, as its lowest ranked component (PNIModified=0.148).

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How to Cite
Muniraksa, L. N., & Charoenkul, N. (2021). The Needs Study of The Nonthaburi Vocational School Administration Based on the Concept of Co-Creating Innovators. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 90–103. retrieved from


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