Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, Financial Management, Locus of Control, and Financial Well–being of Students

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Athcha Chuenboon
Chayarat Boonputtikorn


The purposes of this research aimed to: 1) study the financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial management, locus of control, and financial well–being, 2) compare financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial management, locus of control, and financial well–being by their study fields, and 3) study the relation among financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial management, locus of control, and financial well–being of students in Saint Louis College and Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi. The sample involved 131 undergraduates of Saint Louis College and 396 undergraduates of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, using stratified random sampling samples relying on the proportion of the population of students in each faculty, collected using a questionnaire. Analyzing descriptive statistics, One–Way ANOVA, and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The result are shown as followed: 1) The financial attitude and locus of control has high level, but financial knowledge, financial management, and financial well–being has medium average, 2) Study fields differences affect financial Knowledge, locus of control, and financial well–being are significant at 0.05 level and 3) The correlations between financial management and locus of control, financial attitude and financial management, financial attitude and locus of control, financial Knowledge and financial management, and locus of control and financial well–being were statistically significant at the .01.

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How to Cite
Chuenboon, A., & Boonputtikorn, C. (2020). Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, Financial Management, Locus of Control, and Financial Well–being of Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 248–262. retrieved from


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