Recreation in the Elderly Thai People: Supporting, Motivation, Satisfaction, and Benefit View of Recreational Activities

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Ampol Chayomchai
Peyawan Petmee
Wilailak Treemek
Jarin Sarnthong
Jukkit Autum
Ratree Ngao-ngam


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the influence of family support on recreational activities which affect the motivation in recreational activities of the elderly Thais, 2) the influence of the motivation factors on recreational activities that affect the satisfaction in recreational activities of Thais elderly, and 3) the influence of the motivation factors on recreational activities that affect the benefit view of recreational activities of elderly Thais. The sample of the research was 394 Thai elderly people. The research used questionnaires as a research tool to collect data with the convenience random sampling method. Descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis were employed.

The results showed that 1) the mean values of all variables including family support, motivation, satisfaction, and benefit view of recreation activities were at the high level, 2) support from the family had a significant positive effect on motivation in recreational activities with statistical significance at .001 level, 3) motivation variable in recreational activities had a positive effect on satisfaction in recreational activities with statistical significance at .001 level, and 4) motivation variable in recreational activities significantly had a positive effect on benefits view of recreational activities with statistical significance at .001 level.

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How to Cite
Chayomchai, A., Petmee, P., Treemek, W., Sarnthong, J., Autum, J., & Ngao-ngam, R. (2020). Recreation in the Elderly Thai People: Supporting, Motivation, Satisfaction, and Benefit View of Recreational Activities. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 177–193. retrieved from


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