Model of the Strategic Management for Private Schools under Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province

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Norrased Choomwong
Sarayuth Sethakajorn


The purposes of this research were to, 1) develop a model of strategic management for private schools under Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province, and 2) evaluate the feasibility of the model of strategic management for private schools under Office of the Private Education, Nonthaburi Province. The research was conducted in 3 steps as follows: Step 1: Studying, analysis and synthesis of the conceptual framework for research, Step 2: establishing a model strategic management for Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province, focus group interviewed was conducted to examine the suitability of the strategic management model of private schools and checking the triangular data. Step 3: assessing the feasibility of the strategic management model of private schools under Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The research found that; a model of strategic management for private schools under Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province consisted; 1) Analysis of school environment consists of 10 practices, 2) Direction of the school it consists of 10 practices, 3) Formulation school strategy it consists of 12 practices, 4) Implementing strategy it consists of 14 practices, and 5) Controls and assessments strategic it consists of 9 principles. The feasibility of the strategic management model of private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission, Nonthaburi province, there is a highest level of possibility in overall as follows analysis school environment, direction of the school, implementing strategy, control and assessment strategy, and formulation school strategy respectively.

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How to Cite
Choomwong, N., & Sethakajorn, S. (2020). Model of the Strategic Management for Private Schools under Office of the Private Education Commission in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 90–108. retrieved from


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