The Knowledge Management and Job Performance of Teacher's Professional Standard of Teachers under The Office of The Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM)

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Jariya Sae-eung
Samrerng Onsampant


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the knowledge management in The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM), 2) the teacher professional standards performance in school under The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM) and, 3) the relationship between knowledge management and the teacher professional standards performance in school under The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM). The samples were used 24 schools under The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM) 2. There were 6 respondents from each school consisted of administrators or representative and teachers, totally 144 respondents. The research instrument was used a questionnaire concerning knowledge management step on Silapakorn University research and development institute’s concept and teacher professional standards performance based on teacher professional standards performance. The statistical were used for analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The knowledge management in The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM), as a whole 4.05 and as individual were at high level. 2) The teacher professional standards performance in school under The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM) as a whole 4.22 and as individual were at high level. 3) There were significant correlation between knowledge management and the teacher professional standards performance in school under The Office of the Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM) as a medium relationship (rxy=.642). At the statistical significance level of .01.

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How to Cite
Sae-eung, J., & Onsampant, S. (2020). The Knowledge Management and Job Performance of Teacher’s Professional Standard of Teachers under The Office of The Education Ministry, The Church of Christ in Thailand (OEM). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 44–59. retrieved from


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