The Characteristics of Social Entrepreneurs in Thailand

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Sarana Photchanachan
Kullaya Uppapong
Chanikarn Atchavanan
Kamonwan Mangkang
Somrerk Kanwivat


The purpose of this research was to identify the characteristics of social entrepreneurs that was using the character-based approach, which composed of the personality structure and the human capital of a social entrepreneurs. The population was the social entrepreneurs and there were 103 valid questionnaires. Findings showed that most of social entrepreneurs were female, between 21–40 years old, mostly single, and undergraduate level of education. Moreover, most of social businesses were sole proprietorship and they were in wholesaler and retailer business. In addition, top three characteristics were planning, persistent, and commitment. However, based on the finding of this study, it is recommended that social entrepreneurs need to develop persuasion, self-confidence, and risk-taking into incubation programs for social entrepreneurs.

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How to Cite
Photchanachan, S., Uppapong, K., Atchavanan , C., Mangkang, K., & Kanwivat, S. (2020). The Characteristics of Social Entrepreneurs in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 31–43. retrieved from


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