Leadership Style of Executives and Employees’ Work Motivation Case Study: Private Universities among Benjamitra Network

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Yootanat Boonyachai


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the leadership style of executives in private universities based on the opinions of employees, 2) study work motivations of employees in private universities, 3) compare the leadership style of executives in private universities based on the opinions of employees classified by demographic characteristics, 4) compare work motivations of employees in private universities classified by demographic characteristics, and 5) study a relationship between leadership style and work motivations of employees in private universities. The sample was 286 employees working in private universities among Benjamitra Network. The tool of this research was questionnaires and the statistic used were means, percentages, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD (Least Significant Difference) and Pearson’s product correlation coefficient.

The results showed that: 1) Most of employees had the opinion that their executives were team management leadership style followed by task-oriented leadership style and country club management leadership style. Most of motivation factors of employees were success at work and the maintenance factors were relations with colleagues, 2) The employees with different status, level of education, position, income per month and affiliated faculty had different opinion on the leadership style of executives in private universities of statistical significant level of .05, 3) The employees with different status and affiliated faculty had different opinion on motivation factors of employees in private universities of statistically significant level of .05, 4) The employees with different level of educations, position, duration of employment, income/month and affiliated faculty had different opinion on maintenance factors of employees in private universities of statistically significant level of .05 and 5) Most of each leadership style and work motivation of employees in private universities had a positive correlation.

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How to Cite
Boonyachai, Y. (2020). Leadership Style of Executives and Employees’ Work Motivation Case Study: Private Universities among Benjamitra Network. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 182–195. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/246226


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