The Creation New Innovation and Public Services in Thailand 4.0 of Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization

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Prasong Tanod


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) To study public services of provincial administration in Thailand 4.0, 2) To study impacts of public services of provincial administration organization in Thailand 4.0 and 3) To study the ways to build public services innovation of provincial administration organization in Thailand 4.0. The sample was 36 Provincial Administrative Organization officials. This qualified research combining documentary for public research and intensive interviews and analyze the data by description.

The studying research can be concluded: 1) In term of intensive interview with sample, the most important is given to basic structures for public daily lifestyle, should be taken care from government units to save, convenient and the most important is satisfaction of people. 2) In term of intensive interview with sample, the most important is given to the impacts of freedom to manage powers of provincial administration organization according to free work without control from other agencies can do completely and fast as demand and satisfaction of people. 3) In term of intensive interview with sample, the most important is given to the professional. The professionalism must have knowledge, ability, and problem solving for they service provider successfully in all matter as well as experiences for better understanding.

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How to Cite
Tanod, P. (2020). The Creation New Innovation and Public Services in Thailand 4.0 of Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 124–136. retrieved from


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