Organizational Economic Mechanism to Manage Organizational Structure for Southern Border Fishery Industry Cluster

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Chinsakk Suwaenadchariya


Organizational economic mechanism to manage organizational structure for southern border fishery industry cluster. The objective of this article was aimed to analyze the organizational structure for the southern border fishery industry cluster management and to examine the formation of organizational economic mechanisms to manage the southern border fishery industry cluster. Methodologically, the questionnaires were used, enquiring the establishments’ opinion about cooperation that will gain benefits from the participation in the cluster project, The sample included small scaled fishery establishments; consisting of fishing boats, fish rafts, and processing fishery industries in the southern border provinces 140 fishery operators. Data collection was conducted during July 2018 – July 2019 and international research literature review regarding the development and performance of organizational economic mechanism and the structural design of industrial cluster management, using the logical abstraction methods and working methods with respect to work problems and the development of individual components of organizational mechanism and economic mechanism, investigate key components to determine key features for the formation of regional-level elements and management system, using structural and schematic design, academic literature, host economy’s meeting documents of the southern border fishery industry, records and observatory participation in current problems.

 The results showed that improve organizational structure of the fishery industry can change the relationship of the host economy within the framework of the cluster development center where the role is determined by the management company in the cluster formation process to optimize the cluster management system in the southern border provinces as “backbone”, it is an investment by the government and regional agencies in the form of a management company, not a large establishment as it corresponds to the needs of the Southern Border Fisheries Association, especially a decentralized decision-making. The intensity of organization activities in the small fisheries segment involves creating clusters for each cluster activity and managing cluster organization structure, and the development of organizational economic mechanisms for fishery industry cluster. The key to economic expansion and an increase in production capacity by the southern border fishery industry included import substitution and anti-monopolization. The main tasks in the organizational economic mechanism included securing the interaction of fishery business partners in the development of the southern border provinces under the conditions of the sustainable economic and social development of the interlinked fishing industry, consisting of blogs ‘Formulation of Fisheries Policy in the Southern Border Provinces’, blog ‘Southern Border Provinces Legal Regulation’ as well as tacking the influence of changing internal and external environment  (Blog Contribution to Local Fishery Activity, Blog Control Account, Blog Follow-up, Blog Information and Suggestions, Blog Finance’) through blog ‘Establishing of Coordination’.

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How to Cite
Suwaenadchariya, C. (2020). Organizational Economic Mechanism to Manage Organizational Structure for Southern Border Fishery Industry Cluster. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 27–43. retrieved from


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