Public Policy with Thai Education 4.0

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Prunnika Meekrut


This article aims to recommended public policy and education policy in Thailand. Especially the education policy of the 4.0 era, which is part of the 20-year National Strategy and 20-year National Education plan in terms of public policy. Under the context of globalization society. Education which is the basic factor that the state has for the people in society. Public policy of the state of education is therefore very important in the development of the country. Public education policy therefore needs to consider everyone in society as a stakeholder in government policies. Developing the country to be Thailand 4.0 is a progressive society. And the development of public policy in education is interdisciplinary. There is a variety of knowledge being brought to study for good results. And should use various sectors to participate in the development of public policy to promote the 20-years National Education plan and education in the 4.0 era as the most benefit to the people. Overall, it is found that education in the 4.0 era is interdisciplinary in bringing various fields of science into education. Including providing opportunities for various sectors to participate. Although not enough but it is considered a good starting point for the development of public education policies in the future after the 4.0 era.

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How to Cite
Meekrut, P. (2020). Public Policy with Thai Education 4.0. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 1–13. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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