Pressure in Performing Duties of the Subordinates of Non-Commissioned Police Officers, Metropolitan Police Division 6

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Pol.Snr.Sgt.Maj. Apichart Limeviriyakul
Pichit Ratchatapibhunphob


This research aimed to investigate and compare the levels of pressure in performing duties of the subordinates of non-commissioned police officers, Metropolitan Police Division 6. The sample used in this research included 283 non-commissioned police officers, Metropolitan Police 6. The tool used was questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis included Frequency, Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.

The research findings revealed that the pressure of performing duties of the subordinates of non-commissioned police officers, Metropolitan Police Division 6, was overall at fair level. The consideration of each dimension revealed that the average of all dimensions was at good and fair levels. The study was divided into five dimensions namely nature of work, work relationship, atmosphere in the organization, role and responsibility in performing duties, and success and career advancement. The study findings of the comparison of the levels of pressure in performing duties of the subordinates of non-commissioned police officers, Metropolitan Police 6, classified by personal status, revealed that, based on gender, age, education, rank, current department, and monthly income, there were differences with the statistical significance at the level of 0.05 except marital status where there was no difference.

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How to Cite
Limeviriyakul, P. A., & Ratchatapibhunphob, P. (2020). Pressure in Performing Duties of the Subordinates of Non-Commissioned Police Officers, Metropolitan Police Division 6. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(1), 135–148. retrieved from


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