Legal Measure for Controlling Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Cosmetic Surgery

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Parida Thoopkaew
Wariya Lamlert


The purposes of this study were to study legal problems relating to the control of cosmetic surgery, locations, tools for cosmetic surgery, to study appropriate measure for determining legal measure in controlling cosmetic surgery locations, and to bring the results for suggesting to improve the law about the control of cosmetic surgery clinic to be appropriate by studying the laws that related to the control of cosmetic surgery in Thailand and abroad. The results were found that cosmetic surgery business in accordance with the Health Facility Act, B.E.2541, which was currently in force, there is a lack of legal content for the classification of medical facilities for cosmetic surgery, so cosmetic surgery clinic must take measures, characteristics of service, equipment as specified for a medical facility for the medical profession, which was not enough for the safety of those who came to cosmetic surgery because cosmetic surgery clinics should have special measures to control. Therefore, it should be specially determined as New South Wales and Australia, to have a better standard, reduce the risk of damage that may occur, whether from infection, resuscitation, lack of necessary tools and appliances, for the operation of doctors who involved in cosmetic surgery for service recipients in Thailand, doctors who did not graduate in cosmetic surgery could perform cosmetic surgery because there was no law prohibiting. The qualifications of doctors in cosmetic surgery of the state of New South Wales, Australia and the US state of Florida, it was found that there was no determination doctor’s qualifications same as in Thailand. However, there were also guidelines for doctors who operated cosmetic surgery business that must be followed in an interesting manner.

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How to Cite
Thoopkaew, P. ., & Lamlert, W. (2020). Legal Measure for Controlling Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Cosmetic Surgery. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(1), 26–40. retrieved from


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