Controlling the Business in a Type of Small Industrial Factories Affecting to a Local Community by a Local Administrative Organization

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Worawut Laobankho
Gaewganya Savagsuriyawong


This article’s objective was to study problems of controlling the business in a type of small industrial factories affecting to a local community by the Local Administrative Organization and to study controlling the small business in a type of small industrial factories in overseas to be compared with the controlling the business in a type of small industrial factories in Thailand. To suggest solutions the problems in the present. The study found that, “Factory” under the Factory Act, B.E. 2535 means a building, place, or vehicle which uses a machine from five horsing powers or an equivalent thereof or more or which employs seven workers or more. With afore reason, a factory which uses a machine not reaching five horsing powers or an equivalent thereof or which employs seven workers shall not be subject to the supervision and control of the Factory Act, B.E.2535, but it shall be under the supervision and control of the Local Administrative Organization under the Public Health Act, B.E.2535 and the Announcement of the Health Ministry on the business detrimental to health, B.E. 2558. Issuing a local legislation to regulate each locality remain unequal that is: some locality has no issuance of a local legislation or, in some case, some business has been chosen to be issued. Therefore, the author would recommend that there shall be legal measures to control the business in a type of small industrial factories which use a machine not reaching five horsing powers or an equivalent thereof or which employs seven workers for the equality of the law enforcement.

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How to Cite
Laobankho, W., & Savagsuriyawong, G. (2020). Controlling the Business in a Type of Small Industrial Factories Affecting to a Local Community by a Local Administrative Organization. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(1), 1–12. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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