Classroom Motivation in a Deaf Schools for Central Region

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เอกพจน์ ราษร์เจริญดี
ศรีสมร สะอาด
กัลยรัตน์ หล่อมณีนพรัตน์


This survey research aimed to study 1) the elements of motivation for Thai language teachers, 2) motivation development levels of Thai language teachers, and 3) compare motivation development of Thai language teachers teaching in primary levels and secondary levels. The sample group consisted of 27 Thai language teachers; 23 of them teaching in primary levels and the other 4 teaching in secondary level at four audiovisual schools in the Central region. The research instruments included survey questionnaire and structured interview. The analysis was done by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation as well as Mann-Whitney U for a comparison.

The results revealed that; 1) there were six elements of motivation for Thai language teachers when the teachers were able to create: (1) classroom atmosphere, (2) interest (3) confidence, (4) satisfaction, (5) learning goals, (6) working systems; 2) the levels of six motivation elements were all very good especially in creating confidence and classroom atmosphere; and 3) there was no statistically significant difference at .05 level in the six elements of motivation development between the teachers in primary levels and the ones in secondary levels.

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ราษร์เจริญดี เ., สะอาด ศ., & หล่อมณีนพรัตน์ ก. (2019). Classroom Motivation in a Deaf Schools for Central Region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 167–180. retrieved from


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