Efficiency of Overall Property Management of High Rise Project which Effects to Life Quality of Residents: A Case Study of Plum Phaholyothin 89 Condominium

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พนิดา วัชระรังษี


This research aims to; 1) study the effectiveness of the physical resource management of the high-rise residential condominium that affects the quality of life of the residents, a case study of Plum Condo Phaholyothin 89 project, 2) compare opinion of effectiveness of the physical resource management of the high-rise residential condominium by residents demography, 3) compare quality of life of the residents by residents demography. The data were collected from a sample of 353 residents of Plum Condo Phaholyothin 89 project. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. Frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze data.

The research found that; 1. Residents of high-rise residential condominium, Plum Condo Phaholyothin 89 project, have opinions on the effectiveness of physical resource management with overall in a good level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the law aspect has the highest average and in a good level.  Hence, the physical aspect is less than but at a good level. 2. Residents of high-rise residential condominium, a case study of Plum Condo Phaholyothin 89 project, with different sex, age, education level, and salary have no significant different opinions in the effectiveness of physical resource management of high-rise residential condominium project. Hence, residents with different occupation and length of stay have different opinions in effectiveness of physical resource management of high-rise residential condominium project. 3. Residents of high-rise residential condominium, Plum Condo Phaholyothin 89 project, have overall opinions with effectiveness of physical resource management of high-rise residential condominium project in a good level.

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How to Cite
วัชระรังษี พ. (2019). Efficiency of Overall Property Management of High Rise Project which Effects to Life Quality of Residents: A Case Study of Plum Phaholyothin 89 Condominium. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 103–115. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/231884


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