The Development of Instructional Model Using the First Character Recognition Technique of The Sequence of STAR together with Cooperative Theory to Develop Mathematical Word Problem-Solving Skills for Grade 3 Students

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สังวาล ทองผุด
บังอร เสรีรัตน์
พัชรีภรณ์ บางเขียว
อารีวรรณ เอี่ยมสะอาด


The development of instructional model using the first character recognition technique of the sequence of STAR together with cooperative theory to develop mathematical word problem-solving skills for grade 3 students, and 2) to develop mathematical word problem-solving skills for grade 3 students before and after learning using the first character recognition technique of the sequence of STAR together with cooperative theory. The sample group selected form 36 in grade 3 students of Watsrinuanthammawimon School. Research tools consist of learning management plan and a test to measure mathematical word problem-solving skills. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and t-test. The research found that development of instructional model with cooperative theory to develop mathematical word problem-solving skills for grade 3 students was composed of the following components: 1) Include theories, principles, concepts of model. 2) The objectives of model 3) Teaching process 4) The results that of the study will be given based on the model of learning. The develop mathematical word problem-solving skills for grade 3 students before and after learning showed that mathematical word problem-solving skills for grade 3 students after studying higher than before learning at the statistical significance of .05

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ทองผุด ส., เสรีรัตน์ บ., บางเขียว พ., & เอี่ยมสะอาด อ. (2019). The Development of Instructional Model Using the First Character Recognition Technique of The Sequence of STAR together with Cooperative Theory to Develop Mathematical Word Problem-Solving Skills for Grade 3 Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 43–58. retrieved from


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