Adaptation of Thai Logistics Transportation Service Provider in the Digital Age

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ภูวณ อัษวกรนิฤางกูร


The objectives of this article were to study the impact on the service of Thai logistics transportation service providers in the digital age and presenting ways of adaptation of Thai logistics transportation service providers to be ready under the of technology in the digital age because the technology is used to increase the competitiveness of the logistics service providers for flexibility, speed, low cost, precision, waste reduction and elimination of activities that do not create the value and be able to compete on the global stage more efficiently. On the basis of the results of this study, it can be found the trend of major change that affect the services of Thai logistics transportation service providers in the digital age into 3 dimensions: Dimension 1 is changing of technology in Thailand; Dimension 2 is changing of business model in Thailand; Dimension 3 is changing of trade policy, in other words, the trend in changing of the occurred international technology could affect Thai logistics service providers inevitably. The significant thing that entrepreneur need to acceleratively proceed today is adaptation and change the new ways of thinking to support in increasing competition in the market and being accepted in business. Therefore, the author would recommend that Thai logistics transportation service providers should adapt to survive in the change of digital age in which the new technology would replace the existing technology instead and leading to a new form of service. In this regard, Thai logistics transportation service providers must consolidate and create the network among Thai logistics transportation service providers on the sharing economy concept in order to reduce costs and create the value to the business including the use of technology for sustainable logistics management and environmentally friendly.

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How to Cite
อัษวกรนิฤางกูร ภ. (2019). Adaptation of Thai Logistics Transportation Service Provider in the Digital Age. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 15–29. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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