Free online English Dictionaries: Their Optimum use for English Learning and Teaching

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สิชาภัทร บุญหนุน


With the widespread use of the internet technology, free online dictionaries, especially English-English dictionaries are mushrooming. Modern-day free online English dictionaries are of various affordances that meet the needs for learning and teaching of English. Free online dictionaries are basically categorized into two types: institutional dictionary and dictionary aggregator. The former refers to a publisher's dictionary; while the latter is the website that collects and displays the content of various dictionaries on a single page. These two types of online dictionaries offer both similar and different advantages for the learning and teaching of the English language. The overall purpose of this paper is to present important information about some popular free online dictionaries and offer suggestions pertaining to how each type of these dictionaries can be used for the sake of optimum English learning and teaching.

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บุญหนุน ส. (2019). Free online English Dictionaries: Their Optimum use for English Learning and Teaching. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 1–14. retrieved from
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