Ghost Characters Tied to the Place in the Novels of “Kaew Kaw”

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พฤดี เพชรชนะ
วิมลมาศ ปฤชากุล


This research was to analyze the characters of ghost which tied to the place, in the novels of “Kaew Kaw”. There are 3 stories including Ruen Noppakaw, Nimit Marn and Jao Ban Jao Ruen. It shows has 3 characters of ghost which tied to the place, including the character of Paopkaew ghost in the Ruen Noppakaw novel, the character of Twaras ghost in the Nimit Marn novel and the character of Raivin ghost in the Jao Ban Jao Ruen novel. The researcher presented the results in descriptive form. The results are as follows:

  1. Paopkaew ghost is waiting for the day for be free from guilt found that “Kaew Kaw” is presented the illustrate of Paopkaew ghost character is tied to Ruen Noppakaw. Which is waiting for be free from guilt that Paopkaew ghost did to Ratchada Pariwat.

  2. Twaras ghost which is imprisoned forever found that “Kaew Kaw” is presented the illustrate of Twaras ghost character which tied with his house for punished by evil deeds.

  3. Raivin ghost which was released with true love, found that “Kaew Kaw” is presented the illustrate of Raivin ghost character which tied to the old home. That is waiting for true love and get liberated for be free.

A ghost characters tied to the place in the novels of “Kaew Kaw”. All three stories were found to be consistent with other research such as presentation of ghost characters that looks like a human. And as ghost characters with passion, greed, anger, as well as human.

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How to Cite
เพชรชนะ พ., & ปฤชากุล ว. (2019). Ghost Characters Tied to the Place in the Novels of “Kaew Kaw”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(2), 51–66. retrieved from


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