Equality of the LGBT to Marriage and Child Legalization in Thailand: in the Viewpoint of Scholars and Social Activist

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เทิดเกียรติภณช์ แสงมณีจีรนันเดชา
รัตพงษ์ สอนสุภาพ


This study objectives were to; study the problem condition of marriage right and child legalization of LGBT in Thailand and study opportunities and challenges in marriage and child legalization of LGBT in the viewpoint of scholars and social activist. The sample group in this study was scholar and social activists consisting of social scientists, humanitarians and social activists in the number of 7 people under qualitative research methodology which was from hands-on experience and opinions of information giver to interpret and analyze by in-depth interview. From the study, it was found that; 1) The problem condition of marriage right and child legalization of LGBT in Thailand which cannot register marriage due to violation of the Civil and Commercial Code Section 1448 and 1458. As for Civil Partnership Act, B.E. 2561, it does not provide complete right to this matter, especially the right regarding children. 2) Opportunity and challenges in marriage point and child legalization of LGBT in the viewpoint of scholars and social activists, it was found that Thai society is still open and has an attitude of more accepting existence of LGBT. This is an opportunity for LGBT to get married, to legalize children and to create a perfect family under related law that would be passed on later. Recommendation: The society must learn and accept LGBT fully in order to accept different genders so that LGBT would have equal right and opportunity with real man and women in Thai society.

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How to Cite
แสงมณีจีรนันเดชา เ., & สอนสุภาพ ร. (2019). Equality of the LGBT to Marriage and Child Legalization in Thailand: in the Viewpoint of Scholars and Social Activist. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(2), 1–18. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/220509
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