Public Service of Nonthaburi Municipality

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บัณฑิต เหมือนมี
พิชิต รัชตพิบุลภพ


This research aimed to study the level of the consumer’s satisfaction towards the public service of Nonthaburi municipality, to compare level of the consumer’s satisfaction toward of the public service of Nonthaburi municipality with personal factors and to study the factors that influence their attitudes towards public services to the satisfaction of citizens to public services

The samples used in the study included 400 people, aged 18 years and over living in area Nonthaburi municipality.  The tool used was a questionnaire.  The statistics used in information analysis included frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, One - way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis.  The research result showed that satisfaction of citizens to public services of Nonthaburi municipality as a whole at a high level.  The factors influencing the people’s satisfaction to serve the public was in a positive relationship.  The results of a comparison of the relationship between personal factors and attitudes towards public services showed that the attitude varied according to the average income per month at .05 statistical significance.  However, gender, age, occupation and educational level did not contribute to any statistically significant difference.  The factors predicting of the public satisfaction were service factor, service station and the ease of access service.

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How to Cite
เหมือนมี บ., & รัชตพิบุลภพ พ. (2019). Public Service of Nonthaburi Municipality. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 201–213. retrieved from


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