Assessment of Quality of Tourist Attraction Management in Trang Province

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วัชระ กรรณิการ์
เสาวนารถ เล็กเลอสินธุ์


The objectives of this research were to study and compare assessment of quality of tourist destination management in Trang Province, classified by personal factors.  The samples of this study were 400 local people in Trang province.  The questionnaire was used as a research instrument.  Data were analyzed through statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA.

The results of this research indicated that overall assessment of quality of tourist destination management was rated at a high level.  Individual aspects were considered, all four aspects including service quality of personnel, tourist attractions quality, tourism opportunity expansion, cooperation between networks were rated at a high level.  By comparing the assessment of quality of tourist destination management, classified by personal factors, the respondents with different gender, age, education, occupation, and monthly income had indifferent opinions towards the project evaluation.

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กรรณิการ์ ว., & เล็กเลอสินธุ์ เ. (2019). Assessment of Quality of Tourist Attraction Management in Trang Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 114–126. retrieved from


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