A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Accountants’ Competency in Desirable Accountants’ Qualifications

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ชุมพล รอดแจ่ม
รุ่งระวี มังสิงห์


The purpose of this research was to investigate factors influencing accountants' performance based on the desirable accountants’ characteristics and to create a form of confirmation elements for accountants' performance based on desirable accountant characteristics.  The samples were 600 industrial operators, each from a registered company.  The research tool was a closed-ended questionnaire for confirmatory component analysis using the statistical software program.  The results from the confirmatory factor analysis with the observed variable factors, knowledge and professional intelligence, ethics, working and expertise, showed that the effect on the accountant's performance based on the accountant's desirable characteristics was significant at the .05 level.  The chi-square/df was 1.244, the GFI was 0.920, the CFI was 0.960, the RMR value of 0.064 and the RMSEA value of 0.074, which indicated that the model was consistent at the acceptable levels.

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How to Cite
รอดแจ่ม ช., & มังสิงห์ ร. (2019). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Accountants’ Competency in Desirable Accountants’ Qualifications. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 29–44. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/191544


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