Communication Approaches for Participation in Forest Resources and Wildlife Conservation through Facebook Page of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation

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อัจจิมา สำเภาเงิน


The research on “Communication approach for participation in forest resources and wildlife conservation through Facebook page of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation” was a qualitative research.

The purpose of this research was to study the information communication model for participation in conservation of forest and wildlife resources of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation by presenting information via Facebook page in different formats. A study of the behavior of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department's followers on the format and information presented.  The Facebook DNP. study on participation in forest resource conservation and the research found the communication approach in order to participate in wildlife conservation and forest resources; those were; 1) Organizational communication as the creation of awareness and participation based on the mission and goals of the organization, in line with government policies.  The communication style of the page presenting with pictures, videos, articles, activities, and conversations, 2) the behavior of the fan club members of the National Park Service is expressed through the submission of information, 3) participation in forest and wildlife conservation activities of the fan club, National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Division divided into conservation, support/promotion, and other suggestions.  The effect of participating in resource conservation is happening.  The factors affecting the engagement of Facebook page communication were the time it took to post content.

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How to Cite
สำเภาเงิน อ. (2019). Communication Approaches for Participation in Forest Resources and Wildlife Conservation through Facebook Page of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 87–101. retrieved from


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