An Evaluation of the Nonthaburi-Area Development and Management Strategy of Nonthaburi Province Local Administration

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ภรทิพย์ ขำภักดิ์


This research primarily aims at evaluating the implementation of the Nonthaburi-Area Development and Management Strategy (NADMS) of Nonthaburi Province Local Administration, comparing this NADMS evaluation with demographic aspects of supervisory officers of Nonthaburi Province Local Administration, and identifying needs for NADMS implementation development and improvement.  The research samples include 80 supervisory local officers in Nonthaburi local organizations and semi-structured questionnaire is applied for data collection.

The key findings of the study are the following; Overall, the NADMS implementation efficiency is approximately at high level.  The demographic aspects of Nonthaburi supervisory local officers are; sex, age, educational level, job position, work tenure, and area-responsibility difference illustrate no significant difference in the evaluation of NADMS implementation.  In addition, some aspects of the NADMS implementation are rated at low level, so there are important needs for development and improvement in budgeting, equipment, and human resources in the Nonthaburi-Area Development and Management Strategy Implementation.

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How to Cite
ขำภักดิ์ ภ. (2019). An Evaluation of the Nonthaburi-Area Development and Management Strategy of Nonthaburi Province Local Administration. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 166–178. retrieved from


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