The Influence of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Towards Customer Loyalty in Hotel and Resort at Moosi Sub-District, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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พชร เกษโกศล
จิตต์โสภิณ มีระเกตุ


The objectives of this research were to study; 1) Levels of service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; 2) The influence of service quality toward customer loyalty; 3) The influence of customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty.  The population in this research consisted of 400 customers in hotel and resort at Moosi sub-district, Pak Chong district, Nakhon Ratchasima province.  Statistics for the data analysis were; frequency distribution, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research revealed that; 1) service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are within medium level; 2) Service quality had a positive and direct influence on customer loyalty; 3) Customer satisfaction had a positive and direct influence on customer loyalty.

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เกษโกศล พ., & มีระเกตุ จ. (2019). The Influence of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Towards Customer Loyalty in Hotel and Resort at Moosi Sub-District, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 102–114. retrieved from


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