The Comparisons of Executives’ Leadership and Satisfaction Levels in Small and Medium Hotel and Restaurant Businesses in Nonthaburi Province

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ยุทธนาท บุณยะชัย


The purposes of this research were; 1) to compare the executive’s leadership in small and medium hotel and restaurant businesses in Nonthaburi province, based on the opinions of employees divided by demographics characteristics, and 2) to compare the satisfaction levels of employees to their executive in small and medium hotel and restaurants businesses in Nonthaburi province based on opinions of employees divided by demographics characteristics.  The sample was 384 employees working in small and medium hotel and restaurant businesses in Nonthaburi province.  The statistics used in this research were means, percentages, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

The results showed that the majority of employees indicating their executive’s leadership were transformational leader in inspiration motivation followed by the transformational leader in intellectual stimulation.  The employees with demographics characteristics were different opinions on executive’s leadership in small and medium hotel and restaurant businesses in Nonthaburi province.  The hypothesis testing showed that different levels of education background, position and the duration of employment of employees caused different opinions on leadership of statistical significant level of .05.  Most employees were satisfied with their executive‘s use leadership skills and communication skills.  Moreover, different levels of education, positions and the duration of employment of employees caused different satisfaction of their executives of statistical significant level of .05.

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บุณยะชัย ย. (2019). The Comparisons of Executives’ Leadership and Satisfaction Levels in Small and Medium Hotel and Restaurant Businesses in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 27–42. retrieved from


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