A Study of The Ministry of Education Image’s Promoting by Utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility

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พนิดา กิตติธำรงกุล
สุนันท์ พวงงาม


The objectives of this research were; to observe current organizational images of the Ministry of Education; to conduct an analytical study on and Corporate Social Responsibility based on the Ministry’s strategies by Cluster Analysis Statistics of building positive organizational images.  The data utilized in this research was gathered from a questionnaire on the images of the Ministry of Education and a questionnaire on social responsibility activities held by the Ministry of Education circulated among people who were provided services by the Ministry, as well as an the assessment of the Corporate Social Responsibility administered by Education Policy Specialist on the appropriateness and possibility of the strategy.

The result demonstrated that the overall images of the Ministry of Education were positive, yet at the low level.  When conducting an in-depth analysis, it was found that the respondents consider ministerial personnel the best part representing the Ministry’s images, followed by social activities and educational management, which were still positive, while the image of educational achievement turned out negative.

The results for Corporate Social Responsibility of the Ministry of Education showed that people who were provided services from the Ministry highly suggest the Ministry which was more active on conducting Corporate Social Responsibility, that most of the respondents wish for activities that could help promote morality and ethical values of teachers, school students and university students, followed by activities to enhance public awareness and a continuation of a project namely “Anti-Corruption Management Team.”

The results for the application of Corporate Social Responsibility were to improve the organizational images which pointed out that the activities could be categorized into 4 strategic groups, which were; 1) the promotion of morality, ethical values and development of self - discipline; 2) the establishment of relationships and promotion of public participation; 3) the promotion of joint-management; and 4) the improvement of quality of life and educational standards for youths.

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How to Cite
กิตติธำรงกุล พ., & พวงงาม ส. (2018). A Study of The Ministry of Education Image’s Promoting by Utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 136–150. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/159620


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