Development of Consumer Loyalty Patterns in The E-Marketplace in Thailand

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สุพรรษา ธนาอุยกุล
สุมาลี สว่าง


This research aims were; 1) to study the relationship between e-service quality, trust, satisfaction and perceived value of online channels gained by consumers that influence the loyalty of consumers in purchasing goods and services through the e-marketplace in Thailand, 2) to investigate factors that lead consumers to use the e-marketplace in Thailand in buying goods and services, 3) to develop the loyalty creating pattern of the e-marketplace in Thailand.  In this research inquiry, the researcher conducted a quantitative empirical research investigation.  An online questionnaire was used as a research instrument for collecting data from 540 employees representing of e-Marketplace.  Utilizing the stratified random sampling method, the researcher selected the aforementioned members of the sample population.  Using techniques of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  Furthermore, the researcher also employed structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis.

It was also found that: e-Service quality, trust, satisfaction, perceive online channel value have relationship to loyalty in purchasing goods and services to the e-marketplace in Thailand.  e-Service quality had positive and direct influence trust. E-service quality had positive and direct influence satisfaction.  e-Service quality had positive and direct influence perception of online channel value.  Trust had positive and direct influence satisfaction.  Satisfaction had positive and direct influence perception online channel value.  Trust had positive and direct influence customer loyalty. Satisfaction had positive and direct influence customer loyalty.  And online channel value perception had positive and direct influence customer loyalty.

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How to Cite
ธนาอุยกุล ส., & สว่าง ส. (2018). Development of Consumer Loyalty Patterns in The E-Marketplace in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 124–135. retrieved from


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