De-recognition Competency of Accountant Effects on Financial Statements Quality of SMEs in Bangkok Area

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ฉลวย ทองสมบูรณ์


The purposes of the research were; 1) to study de-recognition competency of accountants and level of financial statements quality of SMEs in Bangkok area, and 2) to study de-recognition competency of accountants effect on Financial statements quality of SMEs in Bangkok area.  The research instrument was a questionnaire.  The sample group was 395 Bangkok accountants from 29,706 populations which were taken by simple random sampling.  The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.  The results of this research showed that the de-recognition competency of accountants and level of financial statements quality in Bangkok area were high level.  And the de-recognition competency of SMEs accountants in Bangkok area in cash and cash equivalents, account receivables, inventories, investments, intangible assets, investments property and leasing effect to quality of SMEs financial statements in Bangkok area were at 55.90 percent in .05 significantly level.  The research findings could be used for guidelines to improve the potential of SMEs accountants in competency and took them as professional accountants whose efforts to high quality financial statements and to increase the efficiency of users’ decision.

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ทองสมบูรณ์ ฉ. (2018). De-recognition Competency of Accountant Effects on Financial Statements Quality of SMEs in Bangkok Area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 82–97. retrieved from


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