The Usage Behavior and the Marketing Mix of Facial Cosmetics for Working Men in Phuket Province

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วิภาวรรณ พิสิฐเวช, ดร.


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the usage behavior of facial cosmetics by working men in Phuket 2) to study the marketing mix of the facial cosmetics.3) to study the relationship between the usage behavior of the facial cosmetics and the marketing mix for facial samples that the working men use.  There were 400 samples. The statistics such as Means, Standard Deviation and Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation Coefficient were employed.

The research result found that the samples that used the facial cosmetics were high level in general (mean= 4.04, SD= 0.80).  Considering each side, the results found that the behaviors were at the highest level for every side.  The first (mean = 4.10, SD= 0.69) was the usage behavior of facial cosmetics, followed by the confirmable  reference group on the using of cosmetics, the attitudes towards the usage of cosmetics, the intention of usage the cosmetics and the perception side of ability on the usage the cosmetics respectively.  In addition, the importance level of the marketing mix of the facial cosmetic was high in general (mean = 4.06, SD= 0.76).  When considering each side, the results found that the highest mean was on Product (mean = 4.12, SD= 0.68) and followed by Price, Personal, Process, Physical Evidence, Place and Promotion respectively.

Besides, it was also found that the usage behavior of the facial cosmetics had a positive correlation at the moderate level (r) = .422 with the marketing mix of the facial cosmetics in general at the significance statistic of .05 level.  When considering each side, the usage of cosmetics had a positive relationship in moderate level.  The conformity of the reference group, the attitudes towards the usage of facial cosmetics, the perception of the ability on using the cosmetics and the intention of usage the facial cosmetics had a positive relationship at a relatively low level (r = .35, .26, .24 and .23 respectively).

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How to Cite
พิสิฐเวช ว. (2018). The Usage Behavior and the Marketing Mix of Facial Cosmetics for Working Men in Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 139–149. retrieved from


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