The Traveling Behavior of Oceania Tourists during the Low Season in Phuket

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วัชรินทร์ เกิดทรัพย์


The objective of this research was to study and compare the traveling behavior of Oceania tourists during the low season in Phuket.  The samples were 379 people of Oceania tourists who traveled to Phuket during the low season.  The questionnaire was used to collect data.  The statistics used to analyze data by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi-Square test.  The research results were as following;

1)         The study result on traveling behavior of Oceania tourists during the low season in Phuket revealed that the traveling purpose was for relaxing.  The style or type of the favorite tourist attraction was a natural source and traveling with family.  The budget (approximately) for the trip was 20,000 - 30,000 Baht.  The traveling duration was 7 - 17 days, with a maximum traveling duration of 120 days, an average traveling duration of 11.88 days.  Additionally, the tourists would like to return to Phuket again.

2)         The comparison result on traveling behavior of Oceania tourists during the low season in Phuket found that (1) Gender was related to the traveling behavior in style or type of traveling, the accompanied person, and the traveling duration.  (2) Age, Marital status, and Occupation were related to the traveling behavior in traveling purpose, the style or type of traveling, the accompanied person, the budget (approximately) for the trip, and the traveling duration.  (3) Average monthly income was correlated with the traveling behavior in style or type of traveling, the accompanied person, the budget (approximately) for the trip, and the traveling duration.  (4) Nationality was related to the traveling behavior in traveling purpose, the style or type of traveling, and the budget (approximately) for the trip.

3)         The Oceania tourists featured on a high level of traveling in all aspects. Especially, the Oceania tourists emphasis greatly on attraction, accommodation, activity, amenity, and accessibility respectively.

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How to Cite
เกิดทรัพย์ ว. (2018). The Traveling Behavior of Oceania Tourists during the Low Season in Phuket. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 127–138. retrieved from


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